They have several audiences that they need to reach in order to fulfill their mission of connecting kids in Leeds to mental health support. School-age children, their parents and carers, as well as professionals that work with children in Leeds can all access resources via the MindMate website.
MindMate wanted to leverage their existing brand assets to expand their reach on social media to all their target audiences – boosting awareness of the help available at their website.

We work across the wider team of MindMate’s stakeholders to support their ongoing initiatives through a calendar of organic social content. We also produce quarterly social media campaigns that focus on each audience and deals with issues or supports initiatives affecting young people across the region.

The Results
Results across 7 months:
Followers up 7%
Engagement up 330%
Followers up 9%
Engagement up 640%
Followers up 4%
Engagement up 233%
Engagement up across all channels by an average of 400%