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Aviva cancer enhancements adviser awareness campaign

Aviva Cancer Care proposition launch

Adviser Awareness Campaign

Aviva felt they had very little opportunity to actively support customers with a cancer diagnosis beyond the claims support offered as part of their private medical insurance. This made them appear to be simply a ‘bill payer’ rather than an insurer that really cares about its customers.

Aviva cancer enhancements adviser awareness campaign

A series of proposition enhancements were introduced, designed to increase customer engagement and help demonstrate that Aviva is there to help make living with a cancer diagnosis that bit easier.

Our brief was to raise awareness of the new propositions amongst their intermediary audiences, demonstrating the breadth of support on offer. We needed to educate and inform advisers, arming them with the knowledge and confidence to communicate the changes to their clients.

Aviva cancer enhancements adviser awareness campaign

The Solution

First we created an overarching campaign concept to bring the enhancements to life. ‘Aviva cares’ positioned them as a caring, compassionate organisation who are more than just a faceless insurance company.

Imagery was all based around care and friendship and really brought to life how important it is to be supported when living with cancer. The headline constructs worked hard to communicate the benefits of the proposition enhancements whilst at the same time positioning Aviva as one of the supportive relationships that would be there to help them through.

We leveraged Aviva’s partnership with MacMillan, infusing the kindness and compassion associated with the MacMillan brand into our messaging and creative approach.

The campaign spanned across email, online ads, landing pages and an interactive online brochure.

Aviva cancer enhancements adviser awareness campaign

The Results

Emails achieved a 29% open rate vs 20% target with 292 new visits to the landing page.

Awareness was successfully raised across adviser audiences and we are currently evolving the campaign to focus on the different enhancements in more detail – watch this space!

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